Saturday, August 27, 2011

Akibat Harga Rumah Terlalu Mahal di China Memaksa Warga China Ini Duduk Dalam Lori (9 Gambar)

Harga hartanah di negara China melambung naik dan ramai warga China yang tidak mampu membeli sebuah rumah. Di Kunming China seorang lelaki membelanjakan 130 000 Yuan (RM 61 0000) bagi mengubah sebuah lori menjadi rumah beliau. Rumah mobil buatan sendiri ini mempunyai semua kelengkapan rumah termasuklah internet.

A Chinese woman sits in a cargo truck that has been transformed into a mobile home.

A mobile home made from a transformed delivery truck, complete with a flat screen television and refrigerator.

A Chinese man uses the computer in his mobile home converted from a cargo truck.

The kitchen of a truck transformed into a mobile home in Kunming, China.A space for house cleaning tools in a Kunming mobile home.

The front cab of the cargo truck that has been converted into an 8.5 square meter mobile home.

A young Chinese woman sitting in her mobile home in Kunming, China.

A shoe rack inside a cargo truck in Kunming, China that has been transformed into a mobile home for two.


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