
Friday, June 17, 2011

Gambar Perempuan Selamba Panggang Anjing Hidup-hidup!!!

sumber :

While dog meat may be a common dish in some parts of the world, these pictures showing women in China roasting a puppy alive are nonetheless repulsive.

STOMPer MeatLover, who sent in these photos he found online, said:

"It's quite disturbing to see that they don't even bother to slaughter the animal first, or at least do it at home, instead of right in the middle of the street, with kids watching.

"Look at the poor little puppy. This is just sick!"


N'N:Tak sanggup betul aku tengok kekejaman manusia yang macam ni, kalau yer pun nak makan tak perlulah seksa binatang tu mcm tu sekali....

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